
Sonic Flow Blocks Reference Guide

SF_Delay_Line (const char* name = 0);

This is the constructor of a SF_Delay_Line block. Following attributes of the class are specified in the constructor:

virtual ~SF_Delay_Line ();

This is the destructor.

virtual void finish ();
virtual void initialize ();
virtual void execute ();

The initialize - execute - finish chain of function calls is used to carry out the simulation of a block. See SF_Block.

The initialize computes the actual maximum length of delay line (in samples). The delay line is filled with zeros.

The execute carries out the actual simulation process. The delay line is updated i.e. the oldest sample of the delay line is replaced with the current input sample. The values of output frame are computed by interpolating the delay line (according to Dattorro, see functional specification). Both the integer part and the fractional part of the delay are calculated.

The finish does nothing.

inline void set_length (SF_Time length);

This function is used to set the delay line maximum length (in milliseconds).

inline SF_Time get_length () const;

This function returns the delay line maximum length (in milliseconds).

enum Input_Indices {X, D};

enum Output_Indices {Y};

Last modified: Wed Dec 2 13:28:47 1998
Audio Research Group