
Sonic Flow Blocks Reference Guide

The purpose of SF_Max_Min is to find the maximum and minimum values of an arbitrary number of input signals. The values are found fore each sample separetely.

SF_Max_Min (const char* name = 0);

This is the constructor of a SF_Max_Min block. Following attributes of the class are specified in the constructor:

virtual ~SF_Max_Min ();

This is the destructor.

virtual void finish ();

virtual void initialize ();

virtual void execute ();

The initialize - execute - finish chain of function calls is used to carry out the simulation of a block. See SF_Block.

The initialize does nothing specific.

The execute carries out the actual simulation process. The function goes through all the input frames and finds the maximum and minimum values of each sample separately. The minimum values are set to the Y_MIN signal and the maximum values to the Y_MAX signal.

The finish does nothing.

enum Input_Indices {X};

enum Output_Indices {Y_MAX, Y_MIN};

Last modified: Wed Dec 2 13:28:47 1998
Audio Research Group